the images on this website

PlantVillage    China

I read one paper named"Automatic Image-Based Plant Disease Severity Estimation Using Deep Learning". It is published on "Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience". They claimed that they used more than hundreds of images of different diseases. These images are all open accessed in PlantVillage. However, I can not find hundreds of images on this website. There are only a few images in the Library. I want to know how can I see the images?
I am a researcher of plant disease detection. Is that possible to use the images on your website to do some research work?

Best regards.

Posted by: Jinzhu (1 point) Jinzhu
Posted: November 29, 2017


Check our earlier answer

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: November 29, 2017

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