Disease on the mulberry tree leaves

Mulberry    Australia

I have a mulberry tree and its leaves are developing black spots as shown in the photo.
The leaves fall off after some time.
Is there a way to treat this?
I am in Melbourne , Australia .

Posted by: Verghese George (1 point) Verghese George
Posted: December 15, 2017


I think it could be mulberry leaf spot disease caused by the fungus, Phleospora Maculans. The main symptoms are an initial appearance of small dark brown, vein limited spots. As the disease progress, these spots, enlarged, often surrounded by a diffuse chlorotic halo. In severe attacks, leaves yellowed, withered, and dropped prematurely.


Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: December 20, 2017

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