What are these spots on my Pineapple Guava leaves?

Guava    Italy

I have two plants of feijoa/acca sellowiana/pineapple guava planted one and two years ago.
I noticed some black/brown spots on their leaves as in the pics.
Do you know what can be the problem?
I did not find a lot about, some say it is a soil deficiency, others that it is called "feijoa leaf spot", others that it is "black spot disease".
Thank you!

Posted by: Mirko (2 points) Mirko
Posted: January 14, 2018


Have you done any soil testing before planting? Normally pineapple guava needs the soil rich in organic matter and grows best in soil with 6.2 pH.
The main disease which causes the severe loss is fungal leaf spot caused by Sphaceloma sp. Other leaf diseases are Cercospora sp., Cylindrocladium scoparium, and Phyllosticta sp.


Posted by: Peter (1 point) Peter
Posted: January 15, 2018

Mirko commented,
Thank you Peter. Do you know how to treat it? I can't find anything about it.
over 6 years ago.

Peter commented,
This may be helpful

over 6 years ago.

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