Persistent weeds infesting my mango tree

Mango    India

There is this particular type of weed having aerial origin that has infested one of my mango tree. Despite being manually removed a number of times, this weed keeps coming back. Please suggest an organic method to get rid of this persistent weed.

Posted by: Abhishek (2 points) Abhishek
Posted: June 6, 2018


This is an aerial root system. You need to trace the root to the other plant growing in the canopy to get an identity

The organic method is the one you are using- manually remove the second plant

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: June 7, 2018

Hey, I guess, you managed to remove only the aerial roots. you should try to find the shoots on mango tree from where these roots are emerging.
It might be Tinospora cordifolia or called giloy/guduchi/gulvel/amritvel in local indian languages. An ayurvedic herb known for its excellent antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Its a creeper/climber. The roots start emerging out of the shoots hanging on the tree at the onset of monsoon.
medicinal properties.
The shoots can be sold in the local market. Even e-commerce companies like Bigbasket might take it if their collection center is anywhere near your place.
If you can sell it, that will compensate your labour expense of weeding.
But before all that, most importantly, you will have to identify it correctly.

Posted by: Madhav (3 points) Madhav
Posted: June 16, 2018

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