Inter cropping Mango plantation and Coconut plantation

General    Ghana

Am cultivating Coconut and Mango. I want to inter crop with corn and cassava. Is it ok to inter crop with corn and cassava? Will this crops cause any problems to the mango and coconut? Will it hamper the growth in anyway? The mango and coconuts are age 1 year to 1.8 years.

Edit. Am planting the cassava and corn to feed my pigs.
Photos uploaded

Posted by: Curtis-Shyne (1 point) Curtis-Shyne
Posted: May 28, 2019


Intercropping other crops with mango and coconut has been done and there is experimental data we can read and share with you.

However, the problem would be the reduced shading for maize and cassava. You would have less yield than if you had them in the field. Can you share some pictures of your field? Also, the canopy. put the camera on the ground, pointing up.

The other question is what crop (maize or cassava) is more valuable to sell and will harvest quicker. That is likely maize.

My recommendation is to plant maize with napier grass and desmodium in the push-pull system. http://www.push-pull.net/ to reduce the losses by Fall armyworm

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: May 28, 2019

Curtis-Shyne commented,
I've updated the question with photos.
almost 5 years ago.

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