how many tonns of processed rice can i mske from one acre of land in nigeria


I want to know how many tonns of processed rice that i can get from one acre of land in nigeria

Posted by: chibuoke Bartholomew (1 point) chibuoke Bartholomew
Posted: December 24, 2019


Nigeria is the continent’s leading consumer of rice, one of the largest producers of rice in Africa and simultaneously one of the largest rice importers in the world. As well as an important food security crop, it is an essential cash crop for it is mainly small-scale producers who commonly sell 80 per cent of total production and consume only 20 per cent. Rice generates more income for Nigerian farmers than any other cash crop in the country.

Currently, the average rice yield nationwide stands at about three tonnes per hectare, which is far lower than the international average of six tonnes per hectare. This is attributed to low hybrid seed uptake amongst the smallholder farmers https://www.growcropsonline.com/crops...

A lot depends on the practices you employ

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: January 6, 2020

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