spider mites

Yams    Hawaii

spider mites and centipede problem, what can i use?

Posted by: Nina (1 point) Nina
Posted: April 8, 2020


The Spider mites can be managed by sprays of water, insecticidal oils, or soaps. Always monitor mite levels before treatment and avoid using broad-spectrum insecticide treatments that could cause mite outbreaks.
Centipedes are gardens pests predators and generally play a beneficial role. Their activities should be encouraged in the yard. Centipedes most often don't need to be controlled unless they become a nuisance in the home.
Let us know if you have more questions.

Posted by: Rimnoma Serge Ouedraogo (24 points) Rimnoma Serge Ouedraogo
Posted: April 15, 2020

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