seeking information on new fungal disease in my area

Teff    Ethiopia

We have new disease occurrence on teff but we don't know the actual cause but I have picture of the disease is that possible to get help. with in short period of time at the seed setting stage the plant get blacked and the inside seed also turned in to black spore.

Posted by: Kidist (1 point) Kidist
Posted: June 18, 2020


It is hard to tell which fungus is causing the disease from this picture.
Some documents on Teff diseases is describing a fungus close to what you have.
Good luck

Posted by: Rimnoma Serge Ouedraogo (24 points) Rimnoma Serge Ouedraogo
Posted: June 18, 2020

Kidist commented,
Dear Rimnoma thank you for the information. Soon I will post how it looks through the microscope
almost 4 years ago.

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