Stress Map


This is the precipitation data 

Soil Data

This is the soild data 

Fall Army worm forecast model

The predictors we used in the model to predict whether the Fall Armyworm will be present or absent in a certain location in a certain day include: 


Average rainfall of prior 14 days, mm: This data comes from Climate Hazards Center (CHC) at UC Santa Barbara. The data is at spatial resolution of 5km and available at   


Digital Elevation Model (DEM), m: This data comes from the US Geological Survey (USGS). This data is at spatial resolution of 250m and available at


Soil available water content at soil depth of 0-5cm, percentage; soil pH at soil depth of 0-5 cm; and soil sand content at soil depth of 5-15cm, percentage: These data come from International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC).The data are at spatial resolution of 250m and available at 


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