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Help flatten the curve by playing your part in the farm

Governments have issued directives urging people to stay at home and work from home to minimize spread of the Covid-19. The virus has affected the daily households operations including smallholder farmers. With planting season in play and farmers outsourcing farm workers to prepare the land or conduct other farming activities, it’s important for farmers to help with flattening the Covid-19 curve. Here are a few prevention tips one should follow at their farm:

Hygiene at the farm

Farmers should provide water and soap to ensure the workers in the farm wash their hands often and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water is not available, one can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Also, one should avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

Also, ensure you and your farm workers have personal protection equipment such as face masks. This reduces the chances of one contracting the virus.

As a farmer, ensure you wear protective gears such as gloves and gumboots to avoid contaminating the farm tools and equipment.

Also, clean and disinfect farm tools such as pangas or jembes before and after use to prevent the spread of the virus on the farm.

Avoid sharing your farm tools and equipment since the virus can survive on different surfaces for varied periods of time.

Observe Social Distance

While at the farm, everyone should maintain a two meters distance from one another to avoid close contact with anyone who might be infected.


Written By;Mercyline Tata


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