Chilli leaves curling downward

Chilli Pepper    Muzaffarnagar (U.P)

Please tell me sir about this desease of chilli, may be its affected by sucking paste or white fly or mites

Posted by: Abhay panwar (1 point) Abhay panwar
Posted: July 19, 2015


Curling leaves may be symptom of a deficiency in the soil. The new growth at the top of the plant also looks wrinkled and distorted, could be calcium deficiency. It could also be the result of a pest attack, such as aphids feeding. Can you see any insects on the plants? Carefully turn over all the leaves and examine them for insects. Aphids are very small and green and may be difficult to spot. Please update us with what you find?

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (7 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: July 20, 2015

Abhay panwar commented,
There is no abhids or other pest
about 9 years ago.

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