Rust appearance

Apple    Srinagar

Rust occurrence from July in red delicious variety which eventually decreases shelf life of fruit, how it can be managed?

Posted by: waseem shafi (9 points) waseem shafi
Posted: June 30, 2017

Kelsee Baranowski commented,
Waseem, have you noticed any insects around your plant? This damage looks similar to spider mite damage on apples
over 7 years ago.

waseem shafi commented,
Yes their is ERM infestation around.
over 7 years ago.


It looks like damage due to mites. You should establish how common this is before you consider control

"Monitoring should begin before petal fall and continue
through the first week of August. A good hand lens or
microscope is required. Inspect 10 leaves from 10 different
trees. Concentrate the inspections on the basal third of the leaf
midrib on the underside of the leaf. It is too tedious to count
the exact number of mites, so a quick estimate should be made
on each leaf. When more than an average of about 200 mites
per leaf is found, then a pesticide treatment is recommended.
A treatment is also recommended upon the appearance of
plant symptoms such as silvering or leaf rolling. "


Posted by: David Hughes (68 points) David Hughes
Posted: July 2, 2017

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