maize and beans

Cabbage (red, white, Savoy)    Kisii County,Kenya

mkulima Ako n shamba nzuri n lenye lotuba lkn alipanda mmea inamea vzr lkn kukua hakui vizuri mkulima ameamua kuseparate mahindi yke anaeka mahindi kwa line n maharage kwa line yake maharage pia yanagonjeka hakui n mahindi inamea vizuri ikifika juu inaanza kukausha matawi kutoka kama Yale ynye yamekua yakukauka hyo n ugonjwa gan

Posted by: Alice kwamboka (1 point) Alice kwamboka
Posted: September 12, 2023


if the leaves start drying from the margin by becoming brown and later look like they are firing or drying then those maize are lacking potassium hence advise the farmer to use organic manure and appy potassium rich fertilizer

Posted by: Samson Mbaka (4 points) Samson Mbaka
Posted: September 12, 2023

the soil is lacking minerals,magnesium sulfate and the organic matter is very low he needs to increase the proportion and leave the plant residue on the farm after harvesting and also practice crop rotation

Posted by: musau mutisya (5 points) musau mutisya
Posted: September 15, 2023

Kwanza nampa pole huyo Mkulima. bila Shaka iko hivi huyo Mkulima ni amelima Mahindi Na maharage ndani ya shamba/eneo moja isipokuwa ametenganisha kwa line ya maharage peke yake Na Mahindi peke yake, kam ndivyo basi tuanzie hapa. 1. Inawezekana hiyo intercropping yake haijazingatia mbinu Bora na sahihi za intercropping ya Mahindi Na maharage ( kama vile proper spacing, and timing), kuna uwezekano maharage yanakosa mwanga wa kutosha kutokana na kivuli cha Mahindi na hivyo kupelekea hali ya kukauka kwenye hayo maharage. 2. Je, amekuwa akitumia viuakuvu( fungicide)? aina nying za maharage ni susceptible to fungal and some bacterial diseases hivyo iko inaweza kuwa ni uvamizi wa fungus au bacteria mfano kuna Bean rust, fusarium wilt, bacterial blight, Bean anthracnose, alternaria leaf spot, Na kuna viral diseases like Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV). Haya yooote mwisho wa siku yanapelekea mmea kukauka.

Posted by: Nicodemas Zabron (1 point) Nicodemas Zabron
Posted: October 7, 2023

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