White Scale

Mango    Arba Minch, Ethiopia

what are the control methods of white scale on mango plant?

Posted by: Fekadu Tafesse (6 points) Fekadu Tafesse
Posted: December 14, 2023


Controlling white scale on mango plants involves various methods: 1. Pruning: Remove heavily infested parts of the plant. 2. Natural Predators: Encourage beneficial insects like ladybugs that feed on scales. 3. Horticultural Oils: Apply oils like neem or horticultural oils to suffocate and kill the scales. 4. Soap or Alcohol Solution: Spraying a mixture of soap and water or alcohol can help eradicate them. 5. Systemic Insecticides: Chemical options like insecticidal soaps or systemic insecticides may be used, but cautiously to minimize harm to beneficial insects and the environment. 6. Maintaining Plant Health: Healthy plants are more resistant to pests, so ensure proper watering, nutrition, and care. Caution Always test any treatment on a small area first to ensure it won't harm your mango plant, and consider integrated pest management for long-term control.

Posted by: George Nyirenda (10 points) George Nyirenda
Posted: December 14, 2023

Good evening I use Movento pesticide from Bayer Group Science, very excellent

Posted by: Abdullah Alsharu (1 point) Abdullah Alsharu
Posted: December 18, 2023

it is one of disease recently introduced to Ethiopia. continued IPDM fantastic solution. that incluse pruning of infected and other parts, sanitation and buring and then apply soil chemical called spark 3 gram for seedling with 1 litter two time a year, 6 grame for age belew 3 years two time, 12 grame for age bn 4 &12 two time a year and continue sanitation and removal of infceted plant parts two time a year until you manage

Posted by: Tadele (2 points) Tadele
Posted: February 8, 2024

1. prune. 2. use Soapy water solution or neem solution and spray.

Posted by: Meshack Jepter (1 point) Meshack Jepter
Posted: January 18, 2024

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