what's wrong with this plant

Maize (corn)    Chiradzulu,Malawi

Stunted growth with some yellowish leaves, the plant is also not responding to fertiliser and other plant necessities.

Posted by: Gift Tsegula (2 points) Gift Tsegula
Posted: January 24, 2024


it's chlorosis,they leaves can't make enough food due to lack of chlorophyll that's why it has stunted growth,try magnesium sulphate and it will recover

Posted by: musau mutisya (5 points) musau mutisya
Posted: January 24, 2024

1point the land is overused with the fertilizer,now the magnet of the soil need double kg using of fertilizer if you use 50kg then and another 25kgs. 2point use satisfied seeds and again plant desmodium or muguna muguna.

Posted by: sylvanus omondi nondi (1 point) sylvanus  omondi nondi
Posted: January 25, 2024

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