Diseased Banana crop

Banana    Somalia

As Somali riverine farmers, we are suffering from this kind of disease that has affected and destroyed our Banana crops as you can see photos below. what is the causal agent of this disease? is there any suitable pesticides or cultural practices to prevent and treat the disease. Thank you very much Indeed all of you my colleague.

Posted by: Aidarus mohamed farah (1 point) Aidarus mohamed farah
Posted: January 27, 2024


Add decomposed manure and water regularly and do pruning do detract banana weevils

Posted by: musau mutisya (5 points) musau mutisya
Posted: January 27, 2024

it is sigatoka disease, used cultural practices such as removal of affected leaves, thining and adequate spacing, drain the water

Posted by: Tadele (3 points) Tadele
Posted: February 8, 2024

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