Papaya trees

Ag Observatory    Florida

These are 2 different trees flowering. Trying to figure out if male/female or other?

Posted by: Patricia Phillips (1 point) Patricia Phillips
Posted: February 6, 2024


while observing the flowers, Male flowers have a longer stem and are usually found in clusters, while female flowers have a shorter stem and are usually found singly. you need to check the flower shape also. male flowers are generally bell-shaped, while female flowers are more rounded and have a distinctive ovary at the base. Look for fruit development: Female flowers will eventually develop into fruit, while male flowers will not. further, you can use a DNA test that can detect the presence of gender-specific markers.

Posted by: Fekadu Tafesse (7 points) Fekadu Tafesse
Posted: February 27, 2024

the flowers are without stigima and i think it is female flower

Posted by: Tadele (3 points) Tadele
Posted: February 8, 2024

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