Is there a specific feature that you would like to see on PlantVillage?

PlantVillage    Lausanne, Switzerland

When we started developing PlantVillage, we had a lot of ideas what we wanted it to be. Over time, we let some of them go, refined others, and came up with completely new ones. We'll be working on PlantVillage every day to make it a better platform. Our philosophy is that features will only be added if they offer a clear benefit to most users, without compromising the overall ease of use.

This is why we want to know from you about the features you'd like to see added to PlantVillage (or removed). PlantVillage, through its voting system, offers a nice way for the community to suggest features, and to vote on those suggested by others.

We're looking forward to hear from you!

Posted by: deactivated (25 points) deactivated
Posted: February 2, 2013


It would be nice if the members location is displayed on their posts. It can be difficult to give advice when I dont know where in the world the question is being asked from.

Posted by: Susan D (4 points) Susan D
Posted: February 3, 2013

I like the dropdown box to search by plant, and it would be great to have a similar function to search by region so that I would be able to connect with gardeners with similar growing conditions to mine.

Posted by: Amie Frisch (16 points) Amie Frisch
Posted: February 13, 2013

deactivated commented,
Great point, echoing the importance of geographic location that others have mentioned too. Clearly this needs to be at the top of our priority list.
over 11 years ago.

What about a function that allows me to tag a specific user in my post? For example David Hughes has just been very helpful at answering my questions and perhaps I would like to draw his attention to a post I make to get his advice specifically.....

Posted by: Abby (7 points) Abby
Posted: February 2, 2013

deactivated commented,
Interesting point. You can do that already, because you can insert links to your post, i.e. you can link to other users. But if I understand you correctly, you'd like to be able to send him a message?
over 11 years ago.

Abby commented,
Yes, a messaging function would be great!

over 11 years ago.

I cannot find a 'back' button! I would love to have one. Please point it out to me if I am completely missing it.

Posted by: Tina (1 point) Tina
Posted: June 6, 2013

deactivated commented,
Hi Tina, what exactly do you mean by back button? Where?
about 11 years ago.

Tina commented,
Like what a web browser has, at the top, so I can 'just' go back a page to look at a previous item/page, instead of going all the way to the home page and working my way to where I was previously.
about 11 years ago.

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