Cherry-tree disease

Cherry (including sour)    Bologna, Italy

The leaves of cherry dry but di not fall . The disease manifests itself in the winter and the dry leaves remain attached even born when the new leaves.what is it and how can I treat the trees?

Posted by: Franco Fioretti (2 points) Franco Fioretti
Posted: December 12, 2015

Franco Fioretti commented,
I would like to know whether a treatment based on Ziram (500 gr. per quintal) more copper oxychloride (600 g. per quintal) might be useful. thank you
almost 9 years ago.


add some images please. Why do you think it is a disease?

Posted by: David Hughes (68 points) David Hughes
Posted: December 15, 2015

Franco Fioretti commented,
normally in past years the leaves of cherry trees fell in October / November. from a couple of years the dried leaves remain attached to the plant even with the fruits and the plant shows suffering.
almost 9 years ago.

I suspect the symptoms could be caused by Apiognomonia eythrostoma, a fungus affecting in our region apricot mainly, but in the last two years also cherry trees. The pathogen overwinter on fallen leaves and ascospores are released with rainfall events in spring after shuck split .
Therefore treatment in autumn with ziram + copper are not effective.
Disease should be controlled in spring using copper before rainfall events or better with dodine .
I would suggest to check for IPM weekly bulletin in your area (Bologna or Modena) to spray in the more correct period, or alternatively call the Plant Protection Service of Emilia-Romagna Region for more informations


Riccardo Bugiani

Posted by: Riccardo Bugiani (1 point) Riccardo Bugiani
Posted: December 29, 2015

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