Stunted growth and white crust around the leaves on Chilli plant

Chilli Pepper    None Given

My chilli plant seems to have stunted or stopped the chillies from getting bigger or even ripening. Also, the plant has been developing these white crusts all around the leaves. Any advice?

Posted by: Jacobus (1 point) Jacobus
Posted: April 5, 2016


It looks like potassium deficiency. The main symptoms are that the leaf margins become yellow or scorched. The yellowing may spread to the area between the veins and then to the leaf centre. Also the leaf margins may curl down or upwards. The plant become stunted due to short internodes and produce few poor quality fruits with uneven color.

Overwatering causes leaching of nutrients from the soil. Also hot weather enhances symptom development.

You can apply recommended quantity of potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate or other potassium fertilizers.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: April 5, 2016

Jacobus commented,
Thanks more advise needed
about 8 years ago.

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