Guava plant dying

Guava    Nigeria

My guava plant was growing fine when I planted it, but I noticed the change in the leaf color for some weeks now, and the growth is not like before. Also stem and growing tip are turning brown. Is my guava plant dying?

Posted by: Dauda Wudiri (1 point) Dauda Wudiri
Posted: July 30, 2016


It could be anthracnose disease caused by fungal pathogen, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The pathogen infect all parts of plant. On stem it causes dieback symptom, where the stem dies backward from tip of the branches (green growing tip will change to dark brown and then to black due to necrosis). It results in immature falling of leaves, fruits and young shoots.
On leaves, the fungus causes large, irregular dead spots at the tip or on the margin. This spot may become pinkish color due to spore masses.
On fruits you will see circular sunken brown to black spots which later enlarge as the disease progress. May also infect buds and flowers.

Generally removing of infected parts and plant debris and disposing them properly reduces the disease spread. Also disease is favored by leaf wetting so avoid overhead application of water.
Spraying of copper is found to be effective against this pathogen.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: August 1, 2016

Dauda Wudiri commented,
Thanks alot Dr. Ravishankar Narayana. In the case of leaf wetting, it's raining season in Nigeria, we are in the peak of our raining season month, August. So most days the plants are wet for many hours, like yesterday 1st August it rained through out the day! The sun didn't get the chance to shine.
about 8 years ago.

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