Kale & Spinach white spots all over the upper side of the leaves

Kale    Whistler, BC Canada

My kale & spinach have these spots all over their leaves. They are planted in planters on my balcony. I don't get that much sun and it is very humid here. It has been hot the last 2 months though and very sunny (25C-32C). Eventually the spots turn into holes in the leaves and eventually the leaf dies. What's wrong with my plants? Fungus? There's no bugs that I can see.

Posted by: Cynthia (1 point) Cynthia
Posted: August 20, 2014


I have been puzzling over this for several days. At first I thought that the lesions resembled feeding damage where whatever insect pest has been scraping away at the top surface of the leaf. But you say that there doesn't appear to be any insects attacking the plant. My next thought was that these could be white rust pustules. The fact that it is on kale and spinach, both related species, is likely a clue. Are there any symptoms on the leaf undersides? Do you think you could upload some extra images? It's very easy to click back into your original question and attach more. A close up of those lesions and also some of the undersides of the leaves would be helpful.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (4 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: August 22, 2014

Kerry Mauck commented,
I think you are on the right track. It looks very much like thrips damage. Thrips are really small and skinny so they often are not apparent on the leaf, but their damage is pretty characteristic. I have seen a ton of it because they get into our growth chambers and mess up our research plants.
over 9 years ago.

I believe this can happen if you water the top of the plant, where the water gets on the leaves and trickles down. Try watering at the base of the plant only.

Posted by: KM (1 point) KM
Posted: September 1, 2014

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