Cucumbers - How Long From Female Flower to Fruit.

Cucumber    None Given

How long does it take a female cucumber flower to start growing, and then produce a full/mature cucumber after pollinated?

(The specific varieties that I have are "Burpee Sweet Burpless Hybrid" and "muncher", but information on other varieties would be helpful).

Posted by: Deuce22oz (1 point) Deuce22oz
Posted: July 10, 2016


It mainly depends on variety, weather conditions, nutrients etc., Generally cucumber plants take approximately 55 to 70 days from germination to harvesting stage.
1. The germination stage alone takes 7 to 10 days.
2. After germination the first male flower would be seen within 35 to 55 days roughly, which will be later followed by developing a female flower in one or two weeks (i.e., 42 to 62 days).
3. The fertilized female flower will take 10 to 12 days to produce fruits.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: July 11, 2016

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