Is tree male or female ?

Papaya (pawpaw)    India (Western region)

Is my tree male or female ? It's around 8 months old , also one month back flowers started to open but now flowers are falling off before opening.

Posted by: Pratik Dalsania (1 point) Pratik Dalsania
Posted: October 5, 2016

Pratik Dalsania commented,
Thanks for the reply . I will wait some days & then I will share the clear photo
almost 8 years ago.


It is very hard to see the flowers from your image. Agree with Kellie, generally the male tree produces only male flowers which are hanging down from stalks. The flower look like long bell shape with filamentous anthers.
Female tree produces only female flower which are white or yellow in color with visible ovary at the base , stamens in the middle but without stigma.
The bisexual or hermaphroditic papaya tree produce flowers which contain both male and female organs. This flower usually emerge from bases of the leaves with ovary and stamens.
Some may produce individual male and female flowers in the same tree which don't require other tree for pollination.

Earlier we answered the question related to transforming male tree to female tree

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: October 5, 2016

Pratik Dalsania commented,
Thanks for answering ! . I will watch tree some days . And when a flower blooms . I will share a clear pic
almost 8 years ago.

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