Storing potatoes for later growing

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I'd like to grow potatoes this year. During the Winter, I get my potatoes from a farm share and I really like them, so I'd like to grow them in my garden this year. My problem is that they are already sprouting quite heavily. Is there a good way to stop the sprouting for some time before it's warm enough to plant them?
Currently, I'm storing them in my basement where it's cool and dark.

Also, I've found some sites like this:
which suggests oils to prevent sprouting, but it sounds a bit weird to be completely honest. Is that really a proven way of doing it, does anyone have experience with that?

Posted by: Angie Hayes (1 point) Angie Hayes
Posted: March 22, 2013


Potatoes are subject to many diseases (whose spores may not be visible on stored tubers), and most potato experts suggest starting with certified seed potatoes rather than saving your own. [I planted my own a few times, and learned the hard way to buy fresh seed each year.]

Another tip: If you want to grow potatoes that store a long time before sprouting, choose a variety described as a "good keeper," or "stores well." Yukon Gold (yellow flesh) and Adirondack Blue (deep purple all the way through) keep well for me. Below, a few of my good keepers (photos taken earlier in the season; all have some degree of sprouting now.

Posted by: Peg Boyles (4 points) Peg Boyles
Posted: March 22, 2013

Angie Hayes commented,
Thanks, but I don't like the other variaties - I'm looking for a way to stop the sprouting on the potatoes from my farm share.
over 11 years ago.

Kerry Mauck commented,
Angie, perhaps you could ask the farm you got your share from to tell you the variety. Then, you could order seed potatoes that are disease free from a garden supplier. They are usually not too expensive (around $10), and it is definitely worth it to make sure that your starting potatoes are disease free.
over 11 years ago.

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