Lemon tree no leaves

Lemon    None Given

I have one lemon tree. Two weeks ago I added much needed fertilizer. The tree has many lemons on it and some just started turning yellow yesterday, before yesterday it was all green for almost 4 months. Furthermore, there are almost no leaves on the plant for a while now, the ones that was there were all curled and covered by a shiny layer, I figured it leaf miners, so I removed all of them and sprayed the plant with an organic pesticide. Am I doing right here?

Posted by: Kareem (2 points) Kareem
Posted: April 13, 2017

Kelsee Baranowski commented,
Kareem, could you please upload an image of a couple leaves? The ones at the bottom of your image seem to be yellowing
about 7 years ago.

Kareem commented,
Hi Kelsee, thanks for your comment. I updated the post with new pictures.
about 7 years ago.


Yellowing of lemon fruit may be due to sunburn. The lack of leaves resulting in direct exposure of fruit to the sun. Are you covering the tree during peak sun hours? And I think falling off leaves may be due to high temperature or other physiological factors. Since you are getting new growth, have a close eye on them and let us know if there are any changes in the leaves.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: April 14, 2017

Kareem commented,
Well it does not get the hottest spot in my garden and its over shadowed by another tree next to it. Yesterday I watched it very closely and I found 4 small brown worms 1cm-1.5cm long. Two on one of the branches and two on the tiny new leaves. I will try to a add a picture of it next time. Then I noticed most of the new leaves are curled down, so I picked them and looked at the underside closely and I could see tinny white worm like larvae (I think), and its the case on most of the new leaves, again I will post a picture later.
about 7 years ago.

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