Paddy nursery disease

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Paddy nursery is at 20 days and leaves are showing seedling blight like symptoms. Please suggest the remedial measures.

Posted by: Rupinder Singh (13 points) Rupinder Singh
Posted: June 12, 2017

Rupinder Singh commented,
Area under shade has developed such symptoms. It's in patches. Area which has plenty of sunlight don't develop such symptoms.
over 7 years ago.


Disease is bacterial seedling blight in Paddy.
On treatment with Streptomycin sulphate + Tetracyline hydrochloride the crop recovered completely.
I am also attaching the picture of treated seedling taken after seven days of treatment that shows no symptoms of bacterial seedling blight. The same has been transplanted after treatment and no disease symptoms appear at field level.
Just to share the information.

Posted by: Rupinder Singh (13 points) Rupinder Singh
Posted: July 23, 2017

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