Odd leaves

Papaya (pawpaw)    None Given

Why are small leaves growing from the center of a big leaf? What type of papaya plant is this? It's fruiting now, can the fruits be eaten. There are quite a number of flowers and the plant is only a meter in height. Can anyone assist me ?

Posted by: Kok Mee Mee (1 point) Kok Mee Mee
Posted: June 22, 2017


Thank you for joining PlantVillage. Your question is too general. We answer questions on crop health here. If you find that your plant has a problem in the future, come back and ask a question. Thanks

Posted by: David Hughes (68 points) David Hughes
Posted: June 23, 2017

Kok Mee Mee commented,
Thanks David. At the moment plant looks healthy. Will observe fruit growing
over 7 years ago.

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