
Cassava (manioc)    Busia, Kenya

why do sometimes find upper leaves of cassava deased, and bottom detects healthy?

Posted by: Imelda Musundi (1 point) Imelda Musundi
Posted: July 22, 2021


The picture you had was of maize. Did you mean to ask about Maize?

I can still answer the question about cassava. Sometimes leaves on diffeerent parts of the plant are diseased when the disease is a virus and it is not spread to all leaves equally. Many viruses are injected into the plants by insects and they might feed on one place. Or the virus is present when you planted but it has not spread around equally.

Hope that helps

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: July 28, 2021

Boniface Omolo commented,
Hi Imelda! In addition to the explanation from David, my experience is that whiteflies prefer young soft leaves at the top of the cassava and hence the concentration of the disease at the top of the plant.Secondly, if the planting materials, the cuttings, were diseased, then the infection will be more noticeable from the lower leaves.
over 2 years ago.

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