This is the precipitation data
This is the soild data
The predictors we used in the model to predict whether the Fall Armyworm will be present or absent in a certain location in a certain day include:
Average rainfall of prior 14 days, mm: This data comes from Climate Hazards Center (CHC) at UC Santa Barbara. The data is at spatial resolution of 5km and available at
Digital Elevation Model (DEM), m: This data comes from the US Geological Survey (USGS). This data is at spatial resolution of 250m and available at
Soil available water content at soil depth of 0-5cm, percentage; soil pH at soil depth of 0-5 cm; and soil sand content at soil depth of 5-15cm, percentage: These data come from International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC).The data are at spatial resolution of 250m and available at