Why are the leaves of tomatoes like this

Tomato    Rongcheng District,China

Why are the leaves of tomatoes like this,Can someone tell me

Posted by: qwqq (1 point) qwqq
Posted: November 22, 2023


I suggest it's Tomato Mosaic Virus The symptoms of Tomato Mosaic Virus include mosaic patterns or mottling (light and dark green patches), distortion or curling of leaves, yellowing, and sometimes a general stunted growth of the plant. The Tomato Mosaic Virus spreads through infected plant material, contaminated tools, hands, and insects like aphids. To handle it, you can: 1. Preventive Measures: Use disease-free seeds or plants, sanitize tools, and avoid handling plants when they're wet to reduce transmission. 2. Isolation: Remove and destroy infected plants to prevent the spread to healthy ones. 3. Control Vectors: Manage aphids and other insects that can transmit the virus by using insecticides or other pest control methods. 4. Good Hygiene: Wash hands, tools, and equipment thoroughly after handling infected plants. Unfortunately, there's no cure for the virus itself, so prevention and management are key to reducing its impact.

Posted by: George Nyirenda (10 points) George Nyirenda
Posted: November 23, 2023

Viral infection of plants TYLCV The vector of the disease is the whitefly

Posted by: Abdullah Alsharu (1 point) Abdullah Alsharu
Posted: December 18, 2023

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