Indoor tomato plants

Tomato    Oregon

We have a very short growing period here and no greenhouse, so I am attempting to grow tomatoes indoors. I have had limited success, but know I can do better. I need tips on growing tomatoes indoors - lighting, grow space, air circulation, etc.

Posted by: Barbara H. Peterson (1 point) Barbara H. Peterson
Posted: July 19, 2013


Growing indoors will work Tomatoes need at least 4 hours of dark min. If you are using artificial lighting but can use 24 hour until second true leaf stage past coltdon if starting from seed . I would grow more than one plant in case of plant loss do to natural causes such cats dogs kids neighbors etc. Ventilation helps and air movement is a must as Tomatoes are wind pollinated outdoors, not so much insect, they enjoy an even supply of water do not over do it. set plant so you can water from bottom as Tomato plants do not like water on their leaves when they are older and starting to produce. Use rain water if possible a creek or pond will work look at the vegetation around your water source if its dead the water might not be any good for plants if healthy broad-leaf plants are growing near a natural or person made water source use it you will see the difference If this not possible tap water should be drawn and let it set for no less than 2 hours . Variety is important also, large indeterminate types may not do so well indoors as they are huge plants with large expansive root systems. Go with a container or green house type . Fertility is also important Hope this helps

Posted by: Rain (1 point) Rain
Posted: July 19, 2013

Barbara H. Peterson commented,
Very helpful, thank you!

about 11 years ago.

You will also need to hand pollinate when they blossom.. you can use a small paint brush and just tickle the pollen in one and take to the next flower. You can also vibrate the stem behind the flowers to do the same thing.

Posted by: Bev Dixon (3 points) Bev Dixon
Posted: July 22, 2013

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