Productivity of oil palm tree

Oil palm    CAMEROON

I work in a oil palm field of 200 acres in Cameroon . There is a lot of oil palm trees of more than 7 years which never produce. I want to know the differents reasons that could cause this ?
best regards

Posted by: william bruce houag (2 points) william bruce houag
Posted: September 21, 2014

David Hughes commented,
I added some more details to my answer from some experts
over 9 years ago.

Damian commented,
This is a great video series of Dr Elaine Ingham, she talks about the life in the soil and how it works. From my experience it's very easy to understand and to use which means lots of time and money saved, Here's the link to sign up: http://soilfoodwebcourse.com/reg/?p=D... Don't worry it's free!
less than a minute ago. Edit Delete

over 9 years ago.


*****UPDATE September 23rd*****

I asked two experts on Oil Palm. Please see their answers

From Laurène Feintrenie, CIRAD-UR BSEF
Most probably there is a lack of fertilization. After 7 years old, oil palms need to be well fed (NPK, Urea…). If the fertilization isn’t done properly on a regular basis, the production goes down. During the first years of production (4 to 6 years old palms) the palms feed on the nutrients of the soil. After this the soil gets too poor to feed the new fruits.

From Nkongho Raymond

The response is simple. If palms of 7 years don't produce bunches, it means they are male palms. The male palms are called Pisifera palms. This is common when the farmer did not buy certified seeds from research institutions.
Palms start producing at the 3rd year. If the palms were producing after 3 years and stopped at the 7th year, then it could be due to abiotic or biotic effect.

There are many different reasons
1) The plants are not being fertilized correctly or fully. In West Africa and South America Palm Oil plants are fertilized by weevils in the genus <1>Elaeidobius. These are the African Oil Palm Weevil. Oil Palm is native to West Africa and in that region around 10 different species fertilize the plants. The weevils chew anther filaments of opened male flowers. The pollen grains attach to the weevils as the move about the male flowers. When the insects visit female flowers the pollen grains are deposited in the stigma of female flowers.
E. kamerunicus, E. subvittatus, E. plagiatus and E. singularis ensure the major part of pollination of the oil palm, with E. kamerunicus the most important

You might not have an adequate amount of weevils. The main reason is becuase you are spraying insecticides agains pest insects. Are you?

2) Variable heat and rainfall affects fruit production

3) Diseases of the plant affect fruit

Can you share more details about your Oil Palm
1) Are your spraying insecticides.
2) Do you know if you have sufficient numbers of weevils?
3) Have the same trees failed to produce fruit?
4) Can you spot any diseases on the trees?

if you can share images of the trees and the whole farm, that would help

Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: September 22, 2014

william bruce houag commented,
Greetings sir , i am the new manager i don't know if they have spray insecticide i will ask .
i don 't know if there is sufficient numbers of weevils . the last manager use to abandon the tree which do not produce at the fourth years . they failed to produce fruits . to be connected i have to come in the town twice a week . next time i will bring photography of the farm and the tree . for the disease i have no idea
thank you so much william

over 9 years ago.

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