Winter squash: ready to harvest?

Squash    None Given

I have a few winter squash growing and I'm not sure when to cut them. The stems are quite firm as is the fruit flesh. Thanks for your input!

Posted by: Ashworth (1 point) Ashworth
Posted: July 11, 2015


If the skin of the squash cannot be pierced with your fingernail, then it's a good sign it can be harvest and if it is a deep tan. Also, the skin should be dull looking and not shiny. You don't give your zone, which would help. Usually this squash would be ready around September to October. Be sure to leave at least 2" of stem when you cut it to prevent disease from entering; it will last longer in storage.

Posted by: Susan League, UF/IFAS Sumter Program Assistant (1 point) Susan League, UF/IFAS Sumter Program Assistant
Posted: July 13, 2015

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