Avocado seed germination and seed differences

Avocado    Pennsylvania, USA

In what may be the most badly designed scientific experiment ever I set up 2 new avocado seeds to germinate last night. I only bought two avocados and decided to set one up in soil, and one in water (I will now have to repeat the entire process in order to determine if it was seed type or the substrate that led to their successful germination) Anyway, I wanted to post an updated picture and see if anybody could tell me a bit more about the seeds. I know that the one on the right planted in the soil is a Hass as it helpfully told me on the label. The seed on the left however only said "Central America" on it so I have no idea what kind it is. I know nothing about avocado plants - we don't have them in Scotland! Can you tell me what kind it is? Also, for reasons unknown I decided to use small metal nails to prop the seed in the water. It occurs to me now that this might have been a bad idea. I wonder if rust could possibly damage the seed if it got in, perhaps I should swap them out for cocktail sticks and avoid the problem altogether. I feel a 3rd avocado attempt coming on! Apart from that does my set up look OK?

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (8 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: April 5, 2013


I can't tell the avocado type from the seed. (Maybe Reed, if the avocado was also roundish without a narrower neck?) Do you have a photo of the avocado itself? Or can you describe the shape, color, and texture of the peel? Can you ask about the variety at the place where you bought the avocado? The produce manager may know, or be able to find out.

Years ago, I used to try to grow every avocado seed after I ate the avocado. The only method I used was to suspend it in water using toothpicks (similar to cocktail sticks?). I had a very high success rate, but I didn't live in a climate where an avocado tree could survive outdoors. At one time, I moved away and left my housemates with a dozen or so avocado seedlings!

I don't think the nails will damage the pit, since it is so large. You could use this variable as another part of your experiment. You will have to eat many more avocadoes to test more variables! I wonder if a bulb-forcing vase might also work, if you have one of those on hand.

As for technique, just make sure the correct side of the seed is facing up (the pointier, less flat side), the soil container has sufficient drainage, and the water in the suspended container is changed regularly.

Posted by: Tanya in the Garden (128 points) Tanya in the Garden
Posted: April 8, 2013

Lindsay McMenemy commented,
Thanks Tanya. Checked them and changed water this AM. It's starting to crack on the top which I assume is normal... Also, for some reason I did not take a pic of the fruit - perhaps I can go back to the store this evening and either quiz the staff or pick up another to photograph... wouldn't hurt to set up another.....

over 11 years ago.

i've had an avocado seed going and it's the same as your's to the left. It's sometimes called green avocados....they are smooth green skin and are much bigger. Supposedly they have less fat and more fiber than Hass variety. They are wicked easy to grow and I've actually found a few that have already germinated while still in the fruit. I set mine up the same way in a glass of water and they're been doing just fine.

Posted by: Kathryn Fiedler (72 points) Kathryn Fiedler
Posted: April 8, 2013

Lindsay McMenemy commented,
Thanks, good to know. it was much bigger and the label on the fruit and on the shelf at the store did not identify it. It has this morning started to crack so I assume this is a good sign......
over 11 years ago.

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