Could you identify the insect?

General    Nepal

This larval (or variant) stage of insect, intriguingly, was not seen until some years before in Nepal. It is extremely voracious and damaging, as i observed, to ornamental crops. It fed so extensively that, a population of 10 or such larvae left a full grown jasmine plant bare, without a leaf, in a matter of an hour or two.
As a control i applied composite of Pyrethroids, as aerosol, which proved to be extremely effective and knocked the culprits out in minutes.
I wish to learn more about the insect and share the experience.

Posted by: Deependra Dhakal (2 points) Deependra Dhakal
Posted: December 27, 2015


It is a little difficult to tell from the photo but it looks like a tobacco horn worm, Manduca sexta. How many white stripes are there down the side. It should be 7

There is a similar one called Tomato horn worm.

Both are larvae of moths and as you noted, voracious


Posted by: David Hughes (67 points) David Hughes
Posted: December 28, 2015

Deependra Dhakal commented,
Thanks Mr. Hughes, It's been an immense help. As i looked upon and researched, it turns out that it was Daphnis nerii, the Oleander hawk moth/Army green moth.
over 8 years ago.

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