Flower drop

Pepper, bell    None Given

The flowers of my bell pepper plants are falling. Also the stem that holds the blossom turns yellow and fall off as well (this happens couple of days later). What is the problem and how to control it? PLEASE HELP!!!!

Posted by: chuck wilson (1 point) chuck wilson
Posted: August 8, 2016


Please provide us with photos of your sick plant and also of the location and pot/soil. It sounds like a water problem perhaps followed by fungus.

Posted by: Andreas (7 points) Andreas
Posted: August 9, 2016

chuck wilson commented,
Im having trouble uploading pictures at the moment however I would like to add that Im located on coastal South Carolina, we have had rain almost every day for the last couple of months with temps between 87-98F not to mention heat index between 105-112F
almost 8 years ago.

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