Should I remove dead/dying leaves from pumpkin plants?

Pumpkin    MD

My plants are doing well and look healthy, both have fruits which are looking great. My question is, should I be trimming off the dead leaves? I'm not sure if it is better to leave them be or take them away. Which is more likely to encourage diseases?

Posted by: Mel (2 points) Mel
Posted: July 6, 2013


I typically remove dead leaves so the plant will stop trying to send water and nutrients to those parts. But, it's more cosmetic as I haven't seen any real benefit to it.

Posted by: Bradley Cahill (1 point) Bradley Cahill
Posted: July 8, 2013

Tanya in the Garden commented,
Me too. I removed some damaged leaves from a cucumber plant yesterday because it was shading newer, healthier leaves.
about 11 years ago.

I usually prune some leaves off my pumpkin and squash plants anyways to increase airflow to the center of the plant, so pruning the dead ones should not be a problem as well. Dead leaves will also be a magnet for disease so it would be good to remove them so they don't attract disease and spread it to healthy plant parts.

Posted by: Kathryn Fiedler (72 points) Kathryn Fiedler
Posted: July 11, 2013

Shawnna commented,
Should I be cutting old flowers off pumpkin vine after they wilt ?
over 6 years ago.

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