Sick guava tree

Guava    None Given

I grew my tree from a seed about 2 years ago. Ever since transplanting it to my backyard from a pot, almost all leaves end up with holes. The fruits are also getting eaten by worms before they ripen. I have very little experience growing trees, but I love guavas so I decided to give it a try. Please someone help on how to stop my tree from getting eaten by insects. I live in South Florida and tried the water and soap spray but not sure how often i need to spray it and it also seemed like the leaves were getting burnt with the sun after being sprayed with the solution.

Posted by: Jeisy (1 point) Jeisy
Posted: February 15, 2017

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
First, we need to identify the pest. Do you have images of insect and infected fruit?
about 7 years ago.

Kelsee Baranowski commented,
Jeisy, do you have any more close up images of the fruit and leaves you could share? There are a few insects that could cause this so we want to narrow it down as much as possible.
about 7 years ago.

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