Browning of leaf edge

Strawberry    None Given

My plant is yet to be transplanted into a pot, it is still in d bag I bought it in. I have had it for two weeks, watering it twice. I noticed the browning and it is getting bigger. What is causing it? Should I cut it off? I live near d ocean coast and am based in Nigeria. Please assist.

Posted by: Titilayo (1 point) Titilayo
Posted: July 15, 2016


I think it could be due to over watering. Excess watering and poor drainage reduces the oxygen availability in soil and causes rotting of roots. As the roots die, they can no longer absorb water resulting in browning of leaf tips. If the same situation continues the browning spreads inwards.

Transfer the plant to bigger pot, water only when top soil is dry and provide proper drainage to pot. The cut wound may act as entry point for pathogens. so don't cut the affected part, the plant will overcome the stress and grows normally.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: July 15, 2016

Titilayo commented,
Thank you so much for the prompt reply. Will do as you suggest. I also noticed tiny mounds of grainy moist soil underneath the crown, on the soil surface. Everytime I remove them and throw out, I come back to find another. Why is this?
almost 8 years ago.

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
I think it is white mold fungus. The fungus feeds on decomposing organic matter in soil and won't harm the plants. The conditions like excess watering, poor drainage and old contaminated soil encourages fungus growth. Scrape out the fungus and place the containers in well-ventilated area. If mold growth is sever, repot the plant using new sterile soil. Also sterile the containers using bleach (1 part bleach in 9 parts water for 10 min) and wash up with detergent and water before use. Avoid overwatering and water only when top soil is dry. Provide proper drainage to pots.
almost 8 years ago.

Titilayo commented,
Thank you, you have been very helpful. Now I need to know what I can do to acidify my soil. Can I use white vinegar or lemon?
almost 8 years ago.

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