Blotches on fig tree leaves

Fig    None Given

i bought a fig tree from a nursery, it came is a small pot with loamy soil. The plant was doing good the first two weeks then leaves started to spot with a lighter green as if there us a nutrition deficiency , so checked for pests it was clean but i saw that its roots are popping out to the surface of the soil and out of the down openings of the pot so i thought maybe it's suffocating from the small pot!! could that be a reason for the change ... plese see images for better understanding

Posted by: reem (9 points) reem
Posted: January 17, 2015


Nutrient deficiencies show as simetric patterns on the leaves and the whole plant, however the pot is indeed getting too small. Figs can reach 6ft tall so you better put it on a much bigger pot.
Now, it seems more like a bacterial infection because it looks like the spots are getting bigger, and yellow where the spots started.
First, dissinfect: bacterias live in the soil and in the leaves.
Second, it needs more space (soil), it must be dissinfected and rich in plant nutrients.
Third, try to get a non expensive antibiotic (penicillin could work), dissolve it in water and spray this to the leaves and soil. Not sure you can easily get the antibiotics in your town, if not, try with garlic extract (garlic boiled in water). Good luck.

Posted by: Carlos Hidalgo (1 point) Carlos Hidalgo
Posted: January 19, 2015

reem commented,
Thanks Carols this is extremely helpful im very thankful ill try to do what you said and get back to you on the updates :)
almost 10 years ago.

I am afraid that this looks like it could be Fig Mosaic Virus. If so, then there is no cure. If you bought this recently, I would perhaps take it back to the nursery you purchased it from. It is recommended that fig trees infected with the virus are destroyed to prevent spread. Please do not apply antibiotics as suggested in another post. This can be very harmful to the environment as the drugs are very toxic. You may cause more harm than good to soil microbes, insects etc. Not a good idea.

Posted by: Lindsay McMenemy (8 points) Lindsay McMenemy
Posted: January 19, 2015

reem commented,
i bought it a few months back and it was good! i dont have any problem with other plznts! are you saying it can spread to my whole greenhouse plants? can i cut off the top two leaves and see what happenes?
almost 10 years ago.

Lindsay McMenemy commented,
No, your other plants should be fine. It could potentially be spread to other fig trees though. if you have lots of fig trees then the infected tree should be destroyed to prevent spread. You can keep it and watch for the development of symptoms that would confirm the virus. Have a lok at this information


almost 10 years ago.

Lindsay McMenemy commented,

almost 10 years ago.

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