All my plants are dying

Chilli Pepper    None Given

I hope you all experts can show me some direction to save my chills... I'm growing like19 types of peppers and for the last few days I'm just terrified with what I'm seeing. I am noticing that the leaves are showing some blackish grey coloration and eventually they fall off in a couple of days . I even see the flowers are shedding .. I am treating the plants with a copper fungicide but so far no sign of improvement. I also see that the infection is spreading to my basil plants. Can you please help ?

Posted by: Deep (1 point) Deep
Posted: July 24, 2017


I think it could be bacterial leaf spot disease but need more information to further diagnosis.
1. Is there any symptoms on stem and petiole?
2. How is the weather condition?
3. Are the seeds certified?
4. How do you water the plants?
5. Did you grow any crops last season in the same area and did you have the same problem?

Also, according to studies, copper fungicide should not be used during flowering stage in solanaceous crops.

For more information on disease

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: July 25, 2017

Deep commented,
Thank you Dr. Narayana for taking so much interest in my problem, i really appreciate it. To answer your question.

1. Is there any symptoms on stem and petiole?
yes you are correct; the petiole looks yellowish, and i see a the joints of the stems have turned black. The leafs are simply dropping these days.
2. How is the weather condition?
I live in houston, and it's quite hot and humid here ,
3. Are the seeds certified?
I do not think so, i got them from Amazon, however, my basil is from Home Depot , it is definitely certified.
4. How do you water the plants?
I water the plants everyday. The reason being its just too hot here these days.

5. Did you grow any crops last season in the same area and did you have the same problem?
This is the first year i'm growing peppers.

Thank you again, I could really use some guidance.


about 7 years ago.

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,

Hi Deep, thank you very much for the reply. Is it possible to upload images of petiole and stem. Also, it will be helpful if upload the images of diseased basil. The important point to remember is avoid overhead application of water since most pathogen spreads to other plant by splashing water. By the way do you have a diagnostic center in your area?

about 7 years ago.

Deep commented,
Sure I can load the image in teh evening today; let me look up a diagnostic center nearby. Thanks again.
about 7 years ago.

Deep commented,
Dr. Narayana, I think I have bls, I am quite positive about it, it was quite widespread in 2015 and it looks like this hurricane season it is coming back . I looked into research that you have shared , I could find in one of them , a copper based fungicide could help. However there is another one that is listed as bacteriacide is just too expensive . I just treated my plants now, hope I see some improvements.
about 7 years ago.

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