ginger disease

Ginger    India

Please help me!!!
I am farming ginger around 2 acre as a commercial crop. I found my ginger is dieing fastly and spreading, the symptoms is looks like all the leaves are dropping (no color changes, green leaves ) and gradually turn yellow soon then plant fall down. I got a suggestion to use fungicide Ridomil gold( Metalaxyl M4 + Mancozeb) as a foliar spray and liquid application to the soil as well
Please anyone help me to find the disease name and cause. How to protect surrounding ginger and is it curable?
Am from India, Karnataka state.

Posted by: Sreebin (1 point) Sreebin
Posted: August 2, 2017


It could be a fungal disease (what is the whitish growth?). To know the exact pathogen name you need to take samples to experts. Did you contact the local agriculture officer? And from whom did you got the fungicide recommendation?
Normally Ridomil gold (Metalaxyl M4 + Mancozeb) fungicide is recommended to control soil borne fungal pathogens including oomycetes.

Posted by: Dr. Ravishankar Narayana (15 points) Dr. Ravishankar Narayana
Posted: August 2, 2017

Sreebin commented,
Thanks Ravishankar, the white in the picture you are seeing is the lime powder I have poured into the soil .Symptoms found is Sudden wilt and death of plant but leaves are remain green, white solution is coming out while pressing the stem and also noticed inside of the rhizome color is changed to brownish color . hope you can help me to get rid of the disease
about 7 years ago.

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
Did you conduct ooze test (for more information on ooze test https://plantvillage.org/posts/6906). Is it possible to upload the images of diseased cut rhizome. http://vikaspedia.in/agriculture/crop...
about 7 years ago.

Sreebin commented,
Hi Dr.Ravishankar,
We have performed an ooze test, and find the whitish solution like smoke coming out from the ginger .have attached the images also .hope it will help you find out the disease and remedy. i failed to find how to upload video here ,if there is an option it would be more convenient to show the ooze test video or any other medium i can provide

about 7 years ago.

Dr. Ravishankar Narayana commented,
Hi Sreebin, thanks for the updates. It looks like bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. Where did you buy the seeds from? It may be due to contaminated seed material. It is always recommended to buy disease free and certify seeds. To avoid spreading of pathogen remove the infected clumps and drench soil with copper oxychloride (0.2%).

about 7 years ago.

Sreebin commented,
Thanks for the help Dr. Ravishankar. Seed is from our own fields
about 7 years ago.

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