cherry disease

Cherry (including sour)    Iran

our cherry orchard suffers from a unknown disease for us. They told us it is a viral disease and Several chemical ways were recommended for disease control. is it viral disease? Is the disease can be reduced or controlled through chemical or other methods?

Posted by: lordss (1 point) lordss
Posted: June 18, 2018


It is very hard to provide an useful insight without seeing the context. What is the rest of the tree like? Where are the infected leaves? Which part of the tree
Provide some context about water and weather. Also, could it be damage from someone using herbicides near by?


Posted by: David Hughes (68 points) David Hughes
Posted: June 22, 2018

lordss commented,
The infected leaves are in the middle branches of the tree.
water: irrigation once every 7 days
weather: between 25 to 40 °C
No spraying has been done.

over 6 years ago.

David Hughes commented,
I doubt it is viral. Are you seeing any insect vectors on the plants. That is a wide range of temps but how often has it been close to 40c. I suggest this is heat stress. Label the infected leaves and see which new become affected. Also, check for insect vectors
over 6 years ago.

David Hughes commented,
if it is viral there is no cure. The best you can do is remove vectors. But I would suggest it is hit stress

over 6 years ago.

lordss commented,
Thanks for your attention, yes it was heat stress. you are right
over 6 years ago.

lordss commented,
Dear professor, I am an Iranian but unfortunately I can not send any questions. Please check, thanks.
over 6 years ago.

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