Grape Disease?

Grape    Michigan

We moved to Traverse City, Michigan about 2 years ago, and the property included a small vineyard with some Concord grapes, and various wine varieties as well. We know nothing about grapes/gardening, but have been caring for the plants regularly, and they produced great fruit for the past 2 years. This year, mid-summer, I noticed the leaves looked dry/burned, and most the grapes are gone or immature. Any idea what could be causing this, and how to fix this issue? Is this Pierce’s Disease? Thank you for your input!

Posted by: Natalie (1 point) Natalie
Posted: September 4, 2018

Kelsee Baranowski commented,
Hi Natalie! From looking at your pictures I think there might be a couple of issues affecting your grapes. I see a lot of insect damage on the first image around the main veins - have you noticed any bugs on the underside of the leaf? The other leaf pictures do look like Pierce's disease but have you sprayed anything on them lately? The pattern on some of the leaves look like chemical burn
over 5 years ago.

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