grape disease

Grape    None Given

Hello everyone, please let me know what caused this?

Posted by: lordss (1 point) lordss
Posted: November 8, 2016

David Hughes commented,
is this your image? Is it from Iran? Doesnt look like it but perhaps in the mountains? What time of year? Now? How common was the condition
over 7 years ago.

lordss commented,
Thank you, Yes,this photo sent of a mountainous area in Iran and now autumn is here and the bottom cluster is wrinkled. The temperature range is approximately between -2 ° C to 15 °. The weather is cloudy.
over 7 years ago.


I wonder if it is or is related to bunch rot.
One of the symptoms is that black grapes turn red. Do you see any fungal growth on infected grapes?

Here is more info:

Posted by: Sheena Sidhu (19 points) Sheena Sidhu
Posted: November 15, 2016

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