
Transformative Turnout: Empowering Farmers in Kisii County with Parasitoid Training for Sustainable Agriculture

Transformative Turnout: Empowering Farmers in Kisii County with Parasitoid Training for Sustainable Agriculture

Written by Mercy Achieng

In an impressive turnout, passionate farmers from Kisii County, Kenya, gathered as the PlantVillage team, experts from the parasitoid rearing labs, launched a transformative 3-day mission to combat the fall armyworm menace in the region. The objective was clear - to empower farmers with the art of biocontrol and promote sustainable agriculture through innovative, eco-friendly methods. The event also highlighted the power of technology in agriculture, with the introduction of the PlantVillage Nuru app to the farmers, a digital assistant to diagnose crop diseases in the field.

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PlantVillage Empowers Lead Farmers in Malawi with Digital Tools for Enhanced Agriculture

PlantVillage Empowers Lead Farmers in Malawi with Digital Tools for Enhanced Agriculture

Written by Chrissy Awali

PlantVillage has successfully conducted a series of capacity-building trainings in Malawi under the MaDiPHS project, which has empowered lead farmers in the districts of Thyolo, Lilongwe, and Dedza. These lead farmers play a crucial role as role models, testing new technologies, providing training to other farmers, and sharing valuable knowledge and skills within their communities.



During the training sessions, PlantVillage provided lead farmers with smartphones that came pre-installed with the PlantVillage Nuru Application. This advanced tool allows them to diagnose crop diseases directly on their own farms and those of their peers, even without an internet connection. Additionally, lead farmers can access weather information, seek expert advice, and receive prompt feedback from a team of agricultural specialists.


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PlantVillage’s Grazing Management System to Address Shortage of Pasture in the ASALs

PlantVillage’s Grazing Management System to Address Shortage of Pasture in the ASALs

Written by Dennis Avokoywa.

PlantVillage is guiding elders in Marsabit County, Kenya, on a grazing management initiative to address overgrazing as one of the challenges that have led to a shortage of pasture for livestock.


The initiative aims at educating locals on the importance of managing their pastures to reduce the number of animals that die from lack of food.


Gudas Garawahle, one of the elders pioneering the initiative, noted that pasture inadequacy has claimed many of their livestock, especially in the dry seasons.


"Young pastures are depleted even before the dry season knocks in, and this leads to starvation, malnourishment, and the deaths of our animals," Garawahle pointed out.

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PlantVillage Partners with KEPHIS to Empower Cassava Farmers in Kwale and Kilifi Counties with 3G Technology

PlantVillage Partners with KEPHIS to Empower Cassava Farmers in Kwale and Kilifi Counties with 3G Technology

Written by Emmy Neema

Recently, PlantVillage, Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), and Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) collaborated in training two farmer groups in Msambweni and Kilifi North sub-counties on ways of propagating cassava seed, including tissue culture, minisetts, and pencil cuttings, with the aim of increasing clean cassava seed.

The training involved building a shade net in Kwale and Kilifi for the 10-member group in each county to grow propagated seeds to be provided by KEPHIS.


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PlantVillage Engages African Children as Climate Change Agents

PlantVillage Engages African Children as Climate Change Agents

Written by Emmy Neema

In African culture, children embody not only the prosperity and reputation of a family but also the transmission of essential values and traditions across generations. Sadly, the adverse impacts of climate change have shaken the stability of the African family institution, jeopardizing the well-being of children who face the risk of food insecurity and other basic necessities.

According to UNICEF, the Horn of Africa has witnessed a distressing surge in the number of children facing malnutrition, hunger, and thirst, with figures escalating by 40 percent from 7.5 million to 10 million between February and April.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, PlantVillage, dedicated to assisting low-income families reliant on small-scale farming, has implemented strategies aimed at ensuring that the African child not only has access to food but also acquires knowledge and tools to address the climate change crisis.

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PlantVillage’s Mitigation Strategies for Northern Kenya Explained

PlantVillage’s Mitigation Strategies for Northern Kenya Explained

Written by Dennis Avokoywa.

PlantVillage has been collaborating with the people and county governments of northern Kenya on a strategic plan to help communities in the region lead normal lives in the wake of the climate change crisis.


The organization has gradually been introducing a number of projects with the involvement of pastoralist communities, and thanks to the PlantVillage Dream Team working in the region, once barren landscapes are slowly transforming into productive sites.


This has been possible through agroforestry, climate change clubs, the digging of soil bunds, irrigation, the Warrior View project, and the water harvesting initiatives.



Rose Saniwa, the agroforestry project lead in Samburu County, notes that over 4,500 trees have been distributed in Isiolo, Samburu, Turkana, Narok, and Marsabit counties since the project began early in 2023.


Samburu County has received 3,600 trees, Isiolo 250, Marsabit 250, and Turkana 200.


The PlantVillage Agroforestry department is planting Azidarachta indica (neem), Melia volkensii, Terminalia brownii, and Senna siamea, because of their suitability for arid and semi-arid regions and ability to provide food for wildlife.


“It is hard for them to die once they reach maturity. Some, like neem, are used for medicinal purposes, while others, like Terminalia brownii, are used to feed livestock during drought seasons," Ms. Saniwa said. 

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